Detail Itinerary

  • Day 01 : Arrival in Kathmandu [1,300m/4,264 ft].

    As soon as you arrive at Kathmandu, you will be met by our representative and will take you to your hotel. After check in, you can enjoy the free time relaxing or stroll around tourist hub Thamel area until end of the day.

  • Day 02 : Kathmandu sightseeing and trek preparation.

    We have our breakfast and start our day. After being introduced with our team including tour guide, trekking leader and director of operations, we head for necessary trekking preparations, getting needed equipments with initiation of Kathmandu sightseeing around world heritage sites. Stay overnight stay at hotel in Kathmandu.

  • Day 03 : Drive from Kathmandu to Arughat (700m/2,297ft) 8 Hrs

    After having your breakfast, you begin your journey to Arughat, the starting point of Manaslu and Tsum Valley trek. The roadway journey moves further by giving you wonderful vistas of the snowcapped peaks of Langtang and Manaslu region. The trade centers and motels on the Prithvi Highway are the memorable aspects of this driving. Following the banks of the Trishuli River until Motel du Mungling and then the Marsyangdi River, you reach Arughat in about 8 hours.

  • Day 04 : Baseri to Maccha Khola [900m/2,952 ft]: 6 – 7 hours.

    Our trek continues as we cross a bridge above Budhi Gandaki River and proceeds towards Khorsanee. It will be kind of more strenuous while ascending over a large rocky trails crossing river stream and finally getting down to Budhi-Gandaki riverbank. We reach at Dobhan, we witness the strikingly beautiful waterfall and with several ups and downs, we finally arrive at Macha Khola. Overnight stay at local teahouse.

  • Day 05 : Machha Khola to Jagat [1,410m/ 4,625 ft]: 6 – 7 hrs.

    We will go for a steep ascent towards a ridge down to hotspring at Tatopani. We cross suspension bridge followed by stone stairs to Dovan. We will cross a landslide area, enter a large flatter ground, beautiful river valleys. Do several ups and downs to Thado Bharyang and finally arrive at Jagat for overnight stay. We stay overnight at lodge.

  • Day 06 : Jagat to Philim (1,590m/ 5,215 ft): 3hrs.

    Today after having our early meal, we head towards rock trails to Salleri followed by downhill trek to Setibas. Our Manaslu Tsum Valley Trek continues after crossing a suspension bridge and enter large Gurung village towards Philim. We stay overnight at teahouse in Philim.

  • Day 07 : Philim to Chumling (2,363m/7,775 ft):6/7 hours.

    Leaving behind Philim, we move ahead through a beautiful forest that offers great views of nearby valley. We cross the beautiful gorge that finally takes us at Tsum valley along with picturesque views of snow capped mountains. In the similar way, we follow quite a few ups and downs towards Ripchet, cross the river and finally arrive at Chumling monastery. Overnight stay at Chumling.

  • Day 08 : Chumling to Chokhangparo (3,010m/9,903ft): 5/6 hours.

    Further we cross the suspension bridge with excellent views of Ganesh Himal. And we finally enter Chokkhangparo. During the clear weather conditions, excellent views of Himalchuli is being offered. Overnight stay at Chokhangparo.

  • Day 09 : Chokhangparo to Nile (3,361m/11,058ft), via Milarepa cave: 6/7 hours

    While following the trails of Manaslu Tsum Valley trek; above Chokhangparo, we leave behind Lamagaon and arrive at Rachen Gompa. We climb up towards Milarepa’s cave crossing Shar Khola through culturally rich villages of Pangdun and Phurbe. In this way, we climb upstream, cross the bridge and eventually reach at Nile for overnight stay.

  • Day 10 : Nile to Bhajyo (Chhekya) (4,030m/13,218ft): 4 hours.

    Now as we are close to Tibetan border, we trek enjoying the fantastic views of Tibetan landscapes, climb up towards Mu Gompa and ascend further towards Bhajyo. We get to explore spectacular sceneries of Ganesh Himal Range while walking along this off the beaten isolated areas while walking to Bhajyo or Chhekya. Overnight stay at Bhajyo.

  • Day 11 : Rest at Bhajyo (Cheekya).

    Acclimatization is the major part of our Manaslu Tsum Valley Trek and we will be properly acclimatizing at Bhajyo while going for short hike and sightseeing around Naguala Doyang pass. Our second night at Bhajyo.

  • Day 12 : Bhajyo to Rachen Gompa: (3,240m/10,627ft): 6 hrs.

    Leaving behind Bhajyo, we go for a downhill trek towards Rachen Gompa or monastery built more than a century ago that holds great religious importance for Buddhist followers. It is a largest nunnery in the region that offers spectacular insights into art, culture and architecture.

  • Day 13 : Rachen Gompa to Chumje (3,230m/10,595ft): 5/6hrs.

    Today after having our early meal, we head towards south of the trail crossing a bridge, descend towards Chokhand paro, visit another monastery along the way and cros yaju before arriving at Chumje.

  • Day 14 : Chumje for Bihi Phedi (3,130m/10,266ft): 4/5hrs

    Further, continuing our Manaslu Tsum Valley trekking journey, we head north through beautiful village of Dorje Kharka, a pasture land, arrive Rana, cross a large suspension bridge above Budhi-Gandaki river and finally trek to small Bihi village for overnight stay.

  • Day 15 : Bihi Phedi to Namrung (2,540m/8,331ft): 6 hrs.

    We start our day walking along the flat terrain followed by few uphill trails along the forest walk. In this way, at the end of the day, we finally arrive at Namrung village for overnight stay.

  • Day 16 : Namrung to Lho (3,180m/10,430 ft): 4 hrs.

    Upon arrival at Namrung, we step into the local Buddhist village and soon we ascend through forested lands enjoying the views of Ganesh Himal and descend to Sho. Later, a steep climb takes us at Lho.

  • Day 17 : Lho to Samagaon (3,530m/11,578 ft): 5/6 hrs.

    Today we enjoy a walk through forests, beautiful village of Shyala from where great views of snow-capped mountains. From Manaslu to Himal Chuli, Ngadi Chuli, and other glacier lands, we enjoy the view and make our way towards monastery at village of Samagaon. Overnight stay at Samagaon.

  • Day 18 : A day of rest and hike to Pungyen Gompa.

    Today will be our acclimatization and rest day at Samagaon. But it won’t be a complete rest day, as we go for a hike towards Pungyen Gompa. Another ancient monastery with lots of cultural exploration opportunity.

  • Day 19 : Samagaon to Samdo [3,860m/12,660 ft]: 4 – 5 hours.

    We will trek downhill today towards Budi-Gandaki following the river stream. There will be forest walk, the valley starts to widen and trail will become easy as we cross the river on suspension bridge and finally arrive at Samdo at the end of the day.

  • Day 20 : Samdo to Dharamsala [4,460m/14, 628 ft]: 4 – 5 hours.

    We will be leaving Samdo today and continue our trek towards bridge, cross two river streams, view Larkya Glacier, and arrive at Dharmasala which is not exactly a tea house or lodge but a common shelter which is also commonly known as Phedi in Larkya. We stay overnight at Dharmasala and prepare for tomorrow’s Larkya-La pass crossing.

  • Day 21 : Dharamsala to Larkya la Pass [5,160m/16, 924 ft] to Bimthang [3,720m/12, 201 ft]: 8 – 9 hours.

    Today will be a challenging day for us as we will be crossing moraines of glacier, steeper only in the Larkya-La Pass. Therefore upon arrival at Larkya-La pass, excellent views of snow-capped peaks is being offered from Annapurna range to Manaslu. Later we descend towards Bimthang and stay overnight passing through low pasture lands.

  • Day 22 : Bimthang to Tilije [2,300m/7,544ft]: 5 – 6 hours.

    Enjoying the natural views along with cultural exploration, we cross through wooden bridge, pass through rhododendron forests and slowly descend and ascend to arrive at river bank at Gho. Then we proceed towards fields and finally reach Tilije at the end of the day.

  • Day 23 : Tilije – Tal [1,700m/5,576 ft]: 5 – 6 hours.

    Today we will be heading towards Tal making our way through stone-paved trekking trails, crossing the bridge over Dudh Khola. From there, we enter the Annapurna Circuit trekking trail, further descend towards Marchyandi khola and finally arrive at Tal. Overnight stay at Tal.

  • Day 24 : Tal – Syange [1,080m/3,542 ft]: 6 – 7 hours.

    After having our early meal, we cross Marshyandi river passing large settlements at Chamje and Jagat that offers great local cultural insights with natural landscape views, terraced farmlands, walking through rhododendron forests. Today would be last day of our trek and we will make the most out of it. Overnight stay at teahouse in Syange.

  • Day 25 : Syange – Kathmandu: 8-9 hours.

    Today we drive back to Kathmandu from Syange after the completion of our Manaslu & Tsum Valley trek. Upon arrival at Kathmandu, you will go to your hotel. In the evening, you are invited for a farewell dinner hosted for you.

  • Day 26 : Departure transfer.

    We will take you to the Airport for your scheduled flight ahead.

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